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Propose a Workshop

The Sixth International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies


August 19 - 24, 2012 - Rome, Italy


The papers listed below have been selected as "Best Papers" based on the reviews of the original submission, the camera-ready version, and the presentation during the conference. For the awarded papers, a digital award will be issued in the name of the authors.

Awarded Papers

Generic, Secure and Modular (GSM) Methodology for Design and Implementation of Secure Mobile Applications
Feng Zhang, Ioannis Kounelis, Sead Muftic

Towards Assisted Remediation of Security Vulnerabilities
Gabriel Serme, Anderson Santana De Oliveira, Marco Guarnieri, Paul El Khoury

AWESOME - Automated Web Emulation for Secure Operation of a Malware-Analysis Environment
Martin Brunner, Christian Martin Fuchs, Sascha Todt

Characterizing and Predicting Internet Users Hidden Behaviors with Markovian Models
Paulo Salvador, António Nogueira, Eduardo Rocha

Construction of Optimal 4-bit S-boxes by Quasigroups of Order 4
Hristina Mihajloska, Danilo Gligoroski


The following papers have been selected on the basis of their contents, specificaly for lending themselves to an interesting extended work. The authors of these papers are receiving invitations to submit an extended article version to one of the IARIA Journals.

Papers Invited for IARIA Journals

Realtime-Aware Control Unit Network Attachment Module
Rainer Falk, Steffen Fries

Experimental Evaluations of the Impact of High availability on the Quality of Protection of Hybrid Clouds
Syed Naqvi, Michael Van de Borne, Arnaud Michot


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