Submit a Paper

The Fifth International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services

ICIW 2010

May 9 - 15, 2010 - Barcelona, Spain


The papers listed below have been selected as "Best Papers" based on the reviews of the original submission, the camera-ready version, and the presentation during the conference.

A diploma will be issued in the name of the authors and mailed to the contact author.

Awarded Papers

A Thin-Server Runtime Platform for Composite Web Applications
Stefan Pietschmann, Johannes Waltsgott, and Klaus Meißner

BlogMiner: Web Blog Mining Application for Classification of Movie Reviews
Arzu Baloglu and Mehmet S. Aktas

UbiRoad: Semantic Middleware for Context-Aware Smart Road Environments
Vagan Terziyan, Olena Kaykova, and Dmytro Zhovtobryukh

Scalable Mobile Web Services Mediation Framework
Satish Srirama, Eero Vainikko, Vladimir Šor, and Matthias Jarke

Enhancing IEC 62351 to Improve Security for Energy Automation in Smart Grid Environments
Steffen Fries, Hans Joachim Hof, and Maik Seewald

Context-Aware Interaction Models in Cross-Organizational Processes
Florian Skopik, Daniel Schall, Schahram Dustdar, and Michele Sesana

Enhancing Availability with Self-Organization Extensions in a SOA Platform
Apostolos Papageorgiou, Tronje Krop, Sebastian Ahlfeld, Stefan Schulte, Julian Eckert, and Ralf Steinmetz

A Promotion Mechanism for Scalable Stealth DHT
Idris A. Rai

A Solution Model and Tool for Supporting the Negotiation of Security Decisions in E-Business Collaborations
Jason R. C. Nurse and Jane E. Sinclair

Effort-Oriented Classification Matrix of Web Service Composition
Zheng Li, Liam O'Brien, Jacky Keung, and Xiwei Xu

Online Communication and Collaboration - A General Approach
Manuel Goetz, Michael Igler, Stephanie Meerkamm, Tobias Reithmeier, Stefan Jablonski, and Matthias Ehmann


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