Dr Octavio Nieto-Taladriz
Prof. Octavio Nieto-Taladriz got the title of Ingeniero de Telecomunicación by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid in 1984 and the Ph. D. on 1989 from the same University. Currently he is Full Professor in the Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid were he carries out both research and teaching activities. He is the Head of the Electronics Engineering Department and Associate Director of the research group Laboratorio de Sistemas Integrados (LSI). Main research and development fields are the development of embedded systems including microelectronics (ASIC´s) and rapid prototyping based on FPGA´s, mainly focused on broad band radio communications and the development and integration of applications in mobility over heterogeneous communication platforms. Presently he is applying these systems to Ambient Intelligence, Distributed and Ubiquitous Computing.