Conference Venue Location
Sunday, February 19
Monday, February 20
Tuesday, February 21
Wednesday, February 22
Thursday, February 23
Friday, February 24 Recommended to be visited on your own: Athens: http://www.stoa.org/athens/ http://www.athensguide.com/
Detailed Program
ADAPTIVE 2017, The Ninth International Conference on Adaptive and Self-Adaptive Systems and Applications ADAPTIVE 1: Fundamentals and Design of Adaptive Systems 4T Loadless SRAMs for Low Power FPGA LUT Optimization Design Patterns for Addition of Adaptive Behavior in Graphical User Interfaces Goal-Compliance Framework for Self-Adaptive Workflows ADAPTIVE 2: Adaptive Mechanisms Pure Embedding of Evolving Objects A Component Framework for Adapting to Elastic Resources in Clouds A Component Model for Limited Resource Handling in Adaptive Systems ADAPTIVE 3 / MAAPL I: Managed Adaptive Automotive Product Line Development I Introduction / Editorial [PRESENTATION] A Holistic Approach for Managed Evolution of Automotive Software Product Line Architectures Automotive Software Systems Evolution: Planning and Evolving Product Line Architectures ADAPTIVE 4 / MAAPL II: Managed Adaptive Automotive Product Line Development II Towards a Formalised Approach for Integrated Functions Updates of Existing Mechatronic Systems Refurbishment of Automotive Electronic Components regarding Update Capability of Applications Memory-Map Shuffling: An Adaptive Security-Risk Mitigation Open Discussion and Closing Remarks [DISCUSSION]
BUSTECH 2017, The Seventh International Conference on Business Intelligence and Technology BUSTECH 1: Business Intelligence and Technology Non-formal Education Architecture Modeling SOAdapt: A Framework for Developing Service-Oriented Multi-Tenant Applications Data Analysis to Better Understand Business Process Models Discovered with Process Mining Towards a Generalised e-Learning Business Process Model
CLOUD COMPUTING 2017, The Eighth International Conference on Cloud Computing, GRIDs, and Virtualization CLOUD COMPUTING 1: Virtualization Memory Interface Simplifies Storage Virtualization A Performance Evaluation of Lightweight Approaches to Virtualization Making the Case for Highly Efficient Multicore Enabled Unikernels With IncludeOS An Automated Lightweight Framework for Scheduling and Profiling Parallel Workflows Simultaneously on Multiple Hypervisors CLOUD COMPUTING 2 / BSDM: Big Spatial Data Management Introduction / Editorial [PRESENTATION] Closest-Pairs Query Processing in Apache Spark A Raster SOLAP Designed for the Emergency Services of Brussels Agglomeration Sensor Selection for Resource-Efficient Query Execution in IoT Environments Open Discussion and Closing Remarks [DISCUSSION] CLOUD COMPUTING 3 / FAST-CCS I: Find a Solution To Cloud Cyber Security I Introduction / Editorial [PRESENTATION] Anomaly Detection in Cloud Based Application using System Calls Strategies for Intrusion Monitoring in Cloud Services Creating an Immutable Database for Secure Cloud Audit Trail and System Logging CLOUD COMPUTING 4: Cloud Computing Platform As A Service Effort Reduction On Exploiting Resource Diversity in the Public Cloud for Modeling Application Performance On the Development of a One-Time Pad Generator for Personalising Cloud Security Enhancing Cloud Security and Privacy: The Unikernel Solution CLOUD COMPUTING 5: Platforms, Infrastructures and Applications CloudMediate: Peer-to-peer Media Aggregation for Augmented Reality Using k-Core Decomposition to Find Cluster Centers for k-Means Algorithm in GraphX on Spark Data Placement Based on Data Semantics for NVDIMM/DRAM Hybrid Memory Architecture Big Data Processing for Stream Reasoning [POSTER] CLOUD COMPUTING 6: Challenges A Load Balancing Mechanism Based on Fuzzy Nonparametric Analysis of QoS Parameters Dynamic Virtual Machine Allocation Based on Adaptive Genetic Algorithm Software License Optimization and Cloud Computing Policy Based Context Aware SLA Management in the Cloud CLOUD COMPUTING 7 / FAST-CCS II: Find a Solution To Cloud Cyber Security II Advancing the Micro-CI Testbed for IoT Cyber-Security Research and Education Development of a Secure Cloud Based Learning Environment for Inclusive Practice in Mainstream Education Corporate Governance, Risk Appetite and Cloud Security Risk: A Little Known Paradox. How Do We Square the Circle? Open Discussion and Closing Remarks [DISCUSSION] CLOUD COMPUTING 8 / SEPRICC: Security and Privacy in Cloud Computing Introduction / Editorial [PRESENTATION] Security and Privacy Requirements Engineering Methods for Traditional and Cloud-Based Systems: A Review Trust Managemement Parameters in Cloud Computing Environments The Greater The Power, The More Dangerous The Abuse: Facing Malicious Insiders in The Cloud Open Discussion and Closing Remarks [DISCUSSION]
COGNITIVE 2017, The Ninth International Conference on Advanced Cognitive Technologies and Applications COGNITIVE 1: Brain Information Processing and Informatics The Hippocampus According to the Ouroboros Model, the "Expanding Memory Index Hypothesis" Performance of Neural Clique Networks Subject to Synaptic Noise Altered Resting-state Connectivity in Individuals with Internet Gaming Disorder [POSTER] COGNITIVE 2 / EMACOS: Emotions in Artificial Cognitive Systems Introduction / Editorial [PRESENTATION] The Implementation of Noradrenaline in the NeuCogAr Cognitive Architecture A Neurochemical Framework to Stress and the Role of the Endogenous Opioid System in the Control of Heart Rate Variability for Cognitive Load Two-Component Scheme of Cognitive System Organization: the Hippocampus-Inspired Model On the Possibility to Interpret Aesthetic Emotions and the Concept of Chef-D’oeuvre in an Artificial Cognitive System Open Discussion and Closing Remarks [DISCUSSION] COGNITIVE 3 / HUBEDU: Human Behavior in Digital Education Introduction / Editorial [PRESENTATION] Enhancing Learning Objects for Digital Education Estimating Student's Viewpoint to Learning from Lecture/Self-Evaluation Texts Open Discussion and Closing Remarks [DISCUSSION] COGNITIVE 4: Artificial Intelligence and Cognition Skill Acquisition Model using Task Performance and Physiological Indices. Learning by Building Cognitive Models that Reflect Cognitive Information Processing: A Preliminary Class Exercise An EEG Study: What is the Relationship Between Emotion and Intention? [POSTER] COGNITIVE 5 / NEURINF: Neuroinspired Informatics Introduction / Editorial [PRESENTATION] Incremental Face Recognition by Tagged Neural Cliques Finding All Matches in a Database using Binary Neural Networks A Study of Deep Learning Robustness Against Computation Failures Sparse Clustered Neural Networks for the Assignment Problem An Intrinsic Difference Between Vanilla RNNs and GRU Models Open Discussion and Closing Remarks [DISCUSSION] COGNITIVE 6 / COGWEB: Cognition and the Web Introduction / Editorial [PRESENTATION] Conversational Homes Towards A Distributed Federated Brain Architecture using Cognitive IoT Devices Machine Intelligence and the Social Web: How to Get a Cognitive Upgrade Open Discussion and Closing Remarks [DISCUSSION]
COMPUTATION TOOLS 2017, The Eighth International Conference on Computational Logics, Algebras, Programming, Tools, and Benchmarking COMPUTATION TOOLS 1: Computational Logic Composite Event-Driven Programming A Logic-based Service for Verifying Use Case Models An Answer Set Solution for Information Security Management
CONTENT 2017, The Ninth International Conference on Creative Content Technologies CONTENT 1: Content Creative Technology Synesthetic Generation of Sound Clouds by Applying Social Computing Localized Content Management with the Minimalistic Meta Modeling Language Video Fingerprinting by Common Features in a Scene A View Synthesis Approach for Free-navigation TV Applications
FUTURE COMPUTING 2017, The Ninth International Conference on Future Computational Technologies and Applications FUTURE COMPUTING 1: Computational Intelligence Strategies Real Power Loss Optimization for a Hydrocarbon Industrial Plant Using Genetic Algorithm and Differential Evolution Algorithm Using BP Neural Network for Adapting Playout Time in Communication Networks Electricity Price Forecasting in a Smart Grid A Class of Minimum-Time Synchronization Algorithms for 2D Rectangluar Arrays Based on L-Shaped Mapping FUTURE COMPUTING 2 / SEPYCE: Security and Privacy in Computing Environments Introduction / Editorial [PRESENTATION] APT Detection with Host-Based Intrusion Detection System and Intelligent Systems Towards Software-Defined Malware Analysis with a Deep Introspection [POSTER] Open Discussion and Closing Remarks [DISCUSSION] FUTURE COMPUTING 3: Computing Technologies Memristive Implementation of Fuzzy Logic for Cognitive Computing Lyapunov-based Control Theory of Closed Quantum Systems Performance Evaluation of DSDV and AODV Protocols for Green Corridor Management in a Metropolitan City Neural Signal Processing and Motion Capture as a Feedback Mechanism to Improve Interceptive Human Movement
PATTERNS 2017, The Ninth International Conferences on Pervasive Patterns and Applications PATTERNS 1: Security Patterns Embedding and Detecting Patterns in a 3D Printed Object Detection of Hidden Encrypted URL In Image Steganography Optical Watermark Pattern Technique using Color–Difference Modulation PATTERNS 2 / ALLPAT: Patterns and Beyond Introduction / Editorial [PRESENTATION] A Study Setup Optimization - Providing Solutions with Patterns Patterns as Formulas: Patterns in the Digital Humanities Declarative vs. Imperative: Two Modeling Patterns for the Automated Deployment of Applications Open Discussion and Closing Remarks [DISCUSSION] PATTERNS 3 / EMPAT: Evolvable Modularity Patterns Introduction / Editorial [PRESENTATION] Towards Scenario-based Discovery of Domain-Specific Patterns: a Case Study Toward Evolvable Document Management for Study Programs Based on Modular Aggregation Patterns On the Modular Structure and Evolvability of Architectural Patterns for Housing Utilities Exploring Evolvable Modular Patterns for Transportation Vehicles and Logistics Architectures Open Discussion and Closing Remarks [DISCUSSION] PATTERNS 4 / PCMA: Patterns for Crowdsourced Media Analysis Introduction / Editorial [PRESENTATION] The Social Picture Mass Events Monitoring Through Crowdsourced Media Analysis Open Discussion and Closing Remarks [DISCUSSION] PATTERNS 5: Basics on Patterns Easing Pattern Application by Means of Solution Languages (Don’t) Join the Dark Side: An Initial Analysis and Classification of Regular, Anti-, and Dark Patterns An Automated Method for the Detection of Topographic Patterns at Tectonic Boundaries PATTERNS 6 / PASNAM: Patterns in Social Network Analysis and Mining Introduction / Editorial [PRESENTATION] Analyzing User Generated Content on Instagram: the Case of Travel Agencies Analysing Human Migrations Patterns Using Digital Social Network Analysis Open Discussion and Closing Remarks [DISCUSSION] PATTERNS 7 / PATTOLOGY: Patterns in Combinatorial Structures and Algorithmic Introduction / Editorial [PRESENTATION] Temporal Patterns: Smart-type Reasoning and Applications Trie Compression for GPU Accelerated Multi-Pattern Matching Open Discussion and Closing Remarks [DISCUSSION] PATTERNS 8 / COVAPR: Computational Vision Systems and Applications of Pattern Recognition Introduction / Editorial [PRESENTATION] A Data Adjustment Method of Low-priced Data-glove based on Hand Motion Pattern Obtaining Shape from Endoscope Image Using Medical Suture with Two Light Sources Polyp Classification Using Multiple CNN-SVM Classifiers from Endoscope Images Detection and Classification of Defective Electronic Circuit Boards Using CNN Features and Keypoint Extraction Open Discussion and Closing Remarks [DISCUSSION] PATTERNS 9: Domain-oriented Patterns Internet of Things Patterns for Devices The Privacy Research Community in Computing and Information Technology Domain-Oriented Design Patterns For Service Processes
SERVICE COMPUTATION 2017, The Ninth International Conferences on Advanced Service Computing SERVICE COMPUTATION 1: Challenges A Study of the InnoDB Storage Engine in the MySQL 5.6 Structuring Software Fault Injection Tools for Programmatic Evaluation Certification Matters for Service Markets SERVICE COMPUTATION 2: Service Measurement and Evaluation Security Considerations based on Classification of IoT Device Capabilities Agent based Framework for QoS Measurement Applied in SOA Underground Facility Monitoring Services for Detecting Road Subsidence SERVICE COMPUTATION 3 / SERVQUAL: Service Quality Introduction / Editorial [PRESENTATION] Quality of Service Everywhere Selected Issues of Internet Access Service Quality Assessment Impact of Network and Service Paradigm Shift on Evolution of the QoE and QoS Concepts Benchmarking Customer Experience over Mobile Networks: a Scoring Algorithm for Network Quality [POSTER] Open Discussion and Closing Remarks [DISCUSSION] SERVICE COMPUTATION 4 / ADASERC: Advanced Analysis of Service Compositions Introduction / Editorial [PRESENTATION] Resource Description for Additive Manufacturing – Supporting Scheduling and Provisioning Why We Need Advanced Analyses of Service Compositions Open Discussion and Closing Remarks [DISCUSSION] |
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